The King of Spain’s son-in-law was at the centre of a corruption storm today as he came under investigation for siphoning off public money.
by JIM SALTY1 on

James Murdoch giving evidence for a second time to the MPs' select committee
by JIM SALTY1 on

Hundreds of foreign residents could lose their homes after mortgage scam in Spain
by JIM SALTY1 on

Man decapitates his daughter in Girona saying the devil ordered him to kill her
by JIM SALTY1 on

Dogs crap can cost a fortune in Marbella municipality
by JIM SALTY1 on

Michael Jackson sisters happy with justice
by JIM SALTY1 on

TV celebrity Peter Andre visited the new Aventura Amazonia
by JIM SALTY1 on

Drug That Killed Michael Jackson "Was Self-Injected"
by JIM SALTY1 on

Qantas grounds all flights
by JIM SALTY1 on

Cowell: Tweet for X Factor faves
by JIM SALTY1 on


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