Interest in aircraft chartering to London 2012 heats up


Leading global aircraft expert, Air Charter Service, says that it is already starting to receive requests and bookings for charters for next year’s Olympic Games – more than 11 months before they are scheduled to start. Francois-Xavier Camus, Commercial Jet Director of ACS Paris, commented: “Following the Athletics World Championships last week, thoughts now turn to next year’s London Olympics. We are receiving enquiries from travel agencies and event organisers who are already planning and budgeting for 2012 – the games next year promise to be the biggest ever, and we hope to help as many people as possible travel in comfort and style to London.” He continued: “We have four offices in Europe as well as a further ten on other continents. With our head office and large team in London, we are really focussing on what we can offer fans, sponsors and teams wishing to travel to the Olympics next year. I know that our offices in Germany and Spain are liaising with their clients as well. “London airport slots are at a premium over the course of the games, therefore it is essential that people wishing to travel from overseas book their aircraft in advance. With our extensive knowledge of airports in and around London we are able to help our clients make the right choice.” Air Charter Service’s worldwide offices arrange almost 6,000 charters a year and the company is extremely experienced in a variety of sports charters.


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